We at LAKKI LLC fulfill the digital divide that is created between the market and the media sector, by analyzing tools and understanding the loopholes, to consider the all-pervasive system integration for market consumption, reaching out to the largest segment of the current Scenarios.
We offer a cloud-based solution for all the traditional and modern company requirements, setting ourselves as the most profitable one-stop solution for sectors like broadcasting, music, business integration, newspaper, and the cable.

When it comes to implementing health reform policies, mobilize software integration to the health industries, and to motivate patient inputs, we at Lakki, create a single platform to bring about a collaborative healthcare management, with upgraded tools and database implementation. Customer benefits and management of healthcare industry, along with the revenue-driven medial policies, become quite easy with our advanced technical know-how.
Lakki focuses on the latest trends in business policies of healthcare management, accelerating workflow and productivity, through a well-integrated software network and advanced IT features. We process, plan and develop market-oriented goals to have a better outcome and mobilization.
Lakki LLC for the Healthcare Industry
Lakki specialized services for the healthcare industry to help corporations address the key challenges which includes:
- Application Maintenance and Programming for Health Care Applications
- HL7 Integrations
- Auditing Compliance for Health Care Applications
- Document Management
- Workflow Services
- Medical Transcription Applications
- Application Development including Hospital Management Systems, Clinic Management Applications, Electronic Medical Records, Patient Record Systems, Electronic Medical Records and Document Management Systems
- Data Capture Services for Clinical Data
Lakki understands well that the field of media and entertainment present a multi-platform channel with system tool integration, requiring social presence and updated management of multiple contents and data.
We at LAKKI LLC fulfill the digital divide that is created between the market and the media sector, by analyzing tools and understanding the loopholes, to consider the all-pervasive system integration for market consumption, reaching out to the largest segment of the current Scenarios.
We offer a cloud-based solution for all the traditional and modern company requirements, setting ourselves as the most profitable one-stop solution for sectors like broadcasting, music, business integration, newspaper, and the cable.
Lakki is well experienced in digital media and offers the following differentiated services for the digital media industry:
- Broadcasting management and automation applications
- Developments of multimedia components for portable devices
- Digital asset management systems
- Digital supply chain management
- Digital rights management
- Back office optimization
LAKKI LLC combines in-depth insurance industry knowledge with proven methodologies to deliver software solutions that meet unique needs of the Insurance to facilitate them accurately to assess risk & manage client relationships over a time to achieve financial success.
The insurance industry is ever buzzing with new arrivals and it requires a well-modulated software back-up structure that can reduce unnecessary costs, and enhance employee productivity. Right from distribution of resources to ensuring group retirement plans and benefits, we make it a cakewalk, with our well-formulated data back-up, analysis of market risks, and enhancing the overall workflow of the company.
We provide insurance solutions that are highly affordable, according to the latest trends of the market, and those which deal with the perfect integration of employee compensation system, maintenance of insurance and optimization of a hardcore business policy, targeted at achieving the world-class technical solutions.
We at Lakki Covers fallowing Insurance services:
- Claims Management
- Customer Acquisition
- Regulatory Compliance
- Distribution & Channel Management
- Reporting
- Policy Management
- Claims Management
- Regulatory Compliance
- Documentation and Support
Oil and Gas
Oil and Gases is a key area around the world. On other hands consumers are facing higher prices and supply shortfalls, government bodies are constrained by providing required service at a lower price and maintaining security and climate change.
Facing environmental & regulatory challenges, Oil and Gases companies has to improve their financial performance to enhance customer satisfaction and service delivery.
There has been a spurt of development and employee and resource mobilization in the oil and gas sector.
Simultaneously, there has also been an enhancement in the constraints that have reduced the revenue level. With our multiple modulated software structures and business analytics and risk management tools, we improvise upon the current market demands, to create transformational and operational services for small and global firms.
Cost of application, overhead cost reduction, evaluating assets and equipment with enhanced forms of navigation and user interfaces- these are some of the task that we undertake, thereby creating a well-planned structure for operational management, implementation of resources and management of plants and selecting categories for change in the oil and gas sector.
LAKKI LLC for the Oil & Gas Industry:
In order to help Oil & Gas companies deal with the industry challenges, Lakki offers the following services:
- Meter Data Management Systems
- BI and Metering Data Analysis
- Energy Usage and Billing Applications
- Oil Field Management
- Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems
- Energy Management Systems (EMS) for Utilities
- Distribution Management Systems
Harnessing the best benefits of cloud computing and updated data solutions for higher education growth and development of educational institutions, are the most important priority of any developing economy.
We at LAKKI LLC leverage on a close-knit product and business analysis and a well-integrated software back-up structure with data modulation, to bring about the recent trends in technical and non-technical education.
Creating a common juncture where all content management, e-publishing resources and community development becomes possible due to closed student-teacher interaction, we promise to bring the new developments to the forefront, capitalizing on IT benefits, learning tools and educational equipment that encourages company and industry growth.
LAKKI LLC Offers in the Education Industry:
- Curriculum management
- Academic research
- Student Management
- Student Portals
- e-learning
- e-Procurement applications
- Student Performance Management
- Back Office Administrative Services
- Identity and Access Management system for Students, Teachers and Administration
- Attendance Management System.
Medical Devices
It is very important to stay abreast with the current technological developments, and we at Lakki consultancy services, try to make a comprehensive analysis of medical device sector and their utility and market risks, so that the risk-based contracts and management of market tools and analytics become quite easy for enhanced market productivity.
Monitoring and scientific management of production costs and controls over excessive expenditure, are some of the best segments that we try to offer to our esteemed clientele.
Consulting technical innovation and creating expertise for analyzing the defects in current system integration, are part of our best working potential, creating a common well-integrate platform for reducing market risks and enhancing employee efficiency.
Lakki LLC Offers in the Medical device Industry:
- Patient Monitoring technology
- Medical Device reporting
- Machinary support
- Remote diagnostics and repair
- Medical device software installations, upgrades and maintenance.
- Desktop and Service desk Administration
- Data management system
Banking & Finance
Conscious support and integration of banking and finance tools are mandatory, for the smooth running of any banking institution. We, at Lakki LLC, have been providing the much-needed resources to our banking clients, mobilizing data back-up and IT productivity, creating human and advanced software potential for banking and financial management, and integrating the latest market tools to reap the highest benefits for both financial institutions and customers.
Lakki has advanced technology for transaction, application of banking management, back office collaborations, trade, finance, and retail and custody management. We have streamline business processes that reduce risk and create an all-pervasive supply chain management.
Providing excellence in business process management to Banking & Finance Services establishment is one of the core focus area for LAKKI. Our deep industry experience has shown us that process is an untapped resource in driving front and back end business results.
Lakki Provide banking solution services to:
- Retail banking
- Commercial banking
- Investment banking
- Investment services- wealth
- Mortgage Services
There are many automotive consultants in the market, but when it comes to a unique market research and collaboration, you can always contact Lakki LLC for getting the perfect balance between computing, access to servers and application of automotive management.
With years of experience, we have been conducting automotive maintenance, supply chain management, execution of automotive planning and testing of products, and even building a common platform for getting the most error-free IT solutions and networking for small and large business industries and individual vendors.
With our comprehensive IT solutions, and state-of-the-art IT services, we plan to enhance profitability through web alliances, application testing and integrated software development.
Lakki LLC Offers in the Automotive Industry:
- Dealer Management System
- Spare parts Management System
- Inventory Management System
- Warehousing Management System
- GPS Tracking system